2018 Consulting Outlook

2018 Consulting Outlook

The current uncertainty in our political environment compounded by disruption throughout industry is creating a climate ripe for consulting services. Traditionally, risk and opportunity have driven the need for companies to invest in consulting services and 2018 is offering a plethora of both.

The Good Stuff

The Good Stuff

When it comes to content marketing, if you hold back your “good stuff,” your efforts will be less effective. Your good stuff is, by definition, the most interesting stuff. If you hold back and offer up only your not-so-good-stuff, your offering will be less compelling.

The Decline of Business Golf

The Decline of Business Golf

Playing golf at the country club used to be an effective way to cultivate business relationships. That’s no longer true. Globalization and specialization have made selling professional services more difficult. That’s because trust may be more important than ever, and building trust across distance is hard.

Overcoming the Sales Stigma

Overcoming the Sales Stigma

There is a sales stigma among professional service providers. In “Why We Hate Salespeople,” Tom McMakin encourages us to address this aversion head-on. Cultivate relationships, add value prior to the sale, and demonstrate trustworthiness.

Can a Billboard Improve Your Sales?

Can a Billboard Improve Your Sales?

Advertising professional services can help, but it’s a relatively poor investment. With the help of Walt Shill, Global Managing Partner for Client Services at ERM, Tom McMakin explains how it’s better to develop strategies and processes that can deliver real impact for your clients.