The Real-World Guide to Selling Professional Services
If you’re among the millions, worldwide, whose livelihoods depend on sharing their skills and expertise with those who need them, you know that working as a consultant or professional service provider brings with it challenges unknown to those who sell tangible products like eyewear or farming equipment. Services are often misunderstood and under-valued, and, regrettably, they’re among the first items to be cut from tightening budgets. And with today’s staggering 11% global growth rate in the consulting and professional services industries, the competition for clients is now fiercer than it’s ever been. But if you’re like the vast majority of consulting and services professionals, all of your specialized training and education, not to mention your years of experience, count for little without a deep understanding of how clients buy.
The Seven Elements Assessment
Take this self-assessment to identify your relative strengths and weaknesses.